Presentation by Shawn Stenger from the Chambersburg Area Career Magnet School

Mr. Shawn Stenger, Principal of the CMS, spoke to us concerning the school and gave us information about academies, instruction, student activities, and a host of other details. Shawn provided an overview of the coursework and wants each student to choose a career.
Presentation by Becky Voss from Over the Rainbow/ Child Advocacy Center

Today’s guest speaker for our morning meeting was Becky Voss, Executive Director, of the Children’s Advocacy Center of Franklin County. Becky shared the good work they are doing in support of their mission to provide a safe, child-friendly place for children and their families to receive services that help to restore hope and provide healing from child abuse.
A snapshot of their work…
* In their nearly 10 years of existence, the Center has served over 2,400 children.
* More than 11,000 students in Franklin County have benefited from prevention education.
* So far this year they have served 200 children.
* Becky and her Board of Directors are constantly fundraising because the needed funds are not included in the state budget.
The Exchange Club financially supports the Center’s efforts and we are grateful to Becky and her team for all they do to keep kids safe and help children and families affected by abuse.
Presentation by Rick Hess from the Franklin County Free Press
Rick Hess presented concerning the Franklin County Free Press and the many areas of news and keeping the community abreast of happenings. Rick’s knowledge of news and the press makes this a successful outlet for the Chambersburg and surrounding communities.
Presentation by Bill Everly and Inspector Meredith Dominick

A big thank you to Bill and Meredith for presenting to the club about the Borough Police Foundation. The Foundation raises funds to assist in officer training, physical and healthy living, and a host of other items that the regular budget cannot sustain. Our Police Department is one of a hundred police departments certified by the National Certification for Police. There are approximately 1,000 police departments in Pennsylvania. Thank you so much for sharing with us!
Presentation by Magdalyn Smith
Exchange Club’s Dual Enrollment Scholarship recipient.
Magdalyn is a student at the Chambersburg Area Senior High School and has enrolled through Dual Enrollment into a university in order to give her college credits while in high school. The scholarship will allow her to gain college credits without having the burden of paying for the tuition. We appreciate young people who desire to work ahead for their future and we want to thank Magdalyn for her tenacity for learning.
Presentation by Brad Evans from Bartlett Tree Service

Brad is the local manager of the Bartlett Tree Service group in Chambersburg. He spoke to us concerning the local drought we had earlier in the summer and how that will affect the leaves changing color. He brought out about insects we need to watch that could make a huge impact on our local trees. His knowledge base was excellent and we enjoyed Brad’s presentation.
Presentation by Boro Council Member Bill Everly – September 13, 2023

Bill shared with us the many facets of the Borough of Chambersburg. Our boro is one of the country’s premier boroughs due to being self sustaining in electricity, water, sewerage water treatment and futuristic planning for the next 5 generations. Thanks Bill for giving us a valuable overview of the Borough of Chambersburg.
Presentation from Russ Harper – September 6 , 2023

Russ presented about his role as the sole police officer for the prevention of cruelty of animals in Franklin County, PA. Russ’ passion for animals was felt and heard at our meeting. He explained that things we wouldn’t think of in this area are happening due to cultural differences we are seeing because of the changing demographics of Chambersburg and the surrounding area. Russ works from a totally donation basis and needs support from our community to continue with his services. We respect Russ and what he is doing in our community. Thank you for a great presentation.
Club Presentation from our Chambersburg Area Senior High School NJROTC Program
Navy Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps
Louis A. Montney was born in Manhasset, New York and raised in Dousman, Wisconsin. He is 1994 graduate of Kettle Moraine High School in Wales, Wisconsin.
He enlisted in the Marine Corps in February of 1994 and shipped to recruit training at MCRD San Diego in June of 1994.
Upon graduation from Recruit Training, he attended Motor Transport School in Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. Upon the completion of school, Private First Class Montney was assigned to MWSS 172, Okinawa, Japan for duty as a motor vehicle operator. While assigned to MWSS 172, he deployed to South Korea and mainland Japan. He was meritoriously promoted to Lance Corporal in June of 1995.
In January of 1996 Lance Corporal Montney transferred to Marine Corps Service Support Schools, Motor Transport School, in Camp LeJeune, North Carolina. He was meritoriously promoted to the rank of Corporal in September of 1996. He served in a variety of billets including: platform instructor, administrative chief, troop handler, and class commander. He was promoted to Sergeant in November of 1997.
In June of 1998 Sergeant Montney executed orders to Drill Instructor School at MCRD, San Diego, California. Upon completion of Drill Instructor School, he was assigned to Company L, 3rd Recruit Training Battalion. Training over 500 recruits, he completed six cycles as a junior drill instructor and two cycles as a senior drill instructor. He also served as a receiving barracks drill instructor. He was promoted to Staff Sergeant in November of 2001.
In November of 2001 Staff Sergeant Montney was transferred to MWSS 373, MCAS Miramar, San Diego, California. He served on a combat deployment to Iraq in January, 2003 in support of OIF-I where he executed duties as a convoy commander and Platoon Sergeant. Staff Sergeant Montney again served on a combat deployment with MWSS 373 in October of 2004 in support OIF-II as the Company Gunnery Sergeant for Support Company.
In July of 2005 Staff Sergeant Montney reported to Recruiter’s School at MCRD, San Diego. Upon completion of Recruiter’s School he was assigned to Recruiting Sub-Station Eastgate in Cincinnati, Ohio for duty as a canvassing recruiter. He was named Recruiting Station Charleston’s “Rookie Recruiter of the Year” in 2006 and was promoted to Gunnery Sergeant in October of the same year.
In May, 2007 Gunnery Sergeant Montney assumed duties as a SNCOIC for RS Charleston, West Virginia. During this time he was assigned to recruiting Sub-Stations Dayton, Ohio and Springfield, Ohio. He was named as Recruiting Station Charleston’s Staff Non-Commissioned Officer of the year for 2008 and 2009. He became a Career Recruiter, in October 2008. In April of 2012 he was promoted to his present rank.
In April, 2012 Master Sergeant Montney transferred to Recruiting Station Harrisburg, Pennsylvania where he served as the Assistant Recruiter Instructor. He retired from the Marine Corps on July 1st, 2014.
Master Sergeant Montney’s personnel awards include the Meritorious Service Medal, Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, the Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal w/gold and silver stars in lieu of eighth award, and Combat Action Ribbon. Additionally, he’s the recipient of numerous service awards and commendations.
34th Annual Comedy and Magic Spectacular

The Exchange Club will be hosting the 34th spectacular event on April 29, 2023 at the Capitol Theatre. Please come and support our children in the community. Thank you for supporting the club through the fundraiser!
Franklin County 4-H Therapeutic Riding Center

David Dresser – a long time student and volunteer and Teagan Russ with her Guide Dog Stanley – a council member, volunteer, and horse owner introduced the Riding Program to the Exchange Club on the last meeting date in March. They explained how the program was started 29 years ago and how people become involved. They also explained the process and work for a horse to assist in the mental health of the patient and how relaxing riding actually is for the patient. They did an excellent job and allowed us to understand how our club can be involved with program.
Little Daisy’s Closet

The Exchange Club had Little Daisey’s Closet visit us to explain the organization and their vision for the community. The organization is a Christian based community outreach program that provides clothing to families who are struggling. Hours of operation are Tuesday from Noon to 4 PM. Please support this organization!
CASHS Receives Donation

The Chambersburg Area Senior High School Counseling Department received a donation to implement a Wellness Room to assist students emotionally and socially. The counsleors are implementing a program to assist students in their mental health. Students will receive assistance on de-escalation methods to help them cope with issues. Good luck CASHS students!
CASD Foundation Receives Donation

Jennifer Connolly, Treasurer of the Chambersburg Exchange Club Foundation, presents a check for $1,600 to Angie Lynch, CASD Foundation Director, and Katie Kough, CASD Foundation President. This check is designated for the district program which gives CASD seniors who may not be financially able the opportunity to take college level classes while still in high school. The Exchange Club supports the district initiative as part of its commitment to combat child abuse and neglect in our community.
Chambersburg Exchange Gives Donation

Exchange Club President Mike Meier is presenting a $3,000 check to Brittany Hassler, 4-H riding instructor for the Veterans’ Therapeutic Riding Program, while one of the therapeutic horses tries to taste the donation. This new program helps to integrate wounded veterans upon their return from deployment. The Exchange Club proudly supports this initiative as one component of our community-wide mission to eliminate child abuse and neglect as well as to foster Americanism.